When I was in treatment, for six months, every evening we said three things we were grateful for, what we like about ourselves and how we were feeling. As simple as this was, it became ingrained. Enough that I woke up at home one night, talking in my sleep, saying "I am grateful for". That tells me it's probably something that would not hurt me to
I am grateful for...
My room mate
Moments of acceptance
What I like about myself is....that I didn't have to drink today
And I am feeling.....Contemplative, of what, I don't know. :)
I am grateful for...
My room mate
Moments of acceptance
What I like about myself is....that I didn't have to drink today
And I am feeling.....Contemplative, of what, I don't know. :)
AA teaches people to worship "god as they understand him" - or would like him to be, a god of their own making, a god created in their own image, or even the particular AA group of people with whom they meet, they are told, may serve as their "god."
The most frightening aspect of seeking a "lesser god," is the possibility that they will find him, or that indeed they will welcome him in, for Jesus called SATAN the "god of this world," and the "ruler of this present age" in the world's "system," and Satan desires worship in any deceitful form he can receive it.
If they would only turn to the "one true God," the God of the Bible, they would find, as God promises in His Holy Word, that "with God all things are possible." (Mark 10:27
The only valid "Spiritual Awakening" that we should share with others is the spiritual regeneration found only in Christ, and any other "spiritual awakening" is demonic deception which leaves men "spiritually dead."Obviously, Christians are not to engage in any kind of interaction with demonic forces, but are to resist them and to oppose them, in the name of Jesus Christ and through the authority of a saved believer in Him.
Bill Wilson's error was in seeking a supernatural power, any supernatural power, rather than the one true God. His experience with the powerful seduction of this white light was one of his key motivations in forming Alcoholics Anonymous.
What are your thoughts, Lonnie?
Alcoholics Anonymous/Al-Anon is not the effective "Wonder Cure" society has been taught to believe that it is.
What AA/Al-Anon does do, however, is to introduce those who are exposed to it, "to seek after other gods, whom they have not known..."
Those who attend their meetings or read their literature, or receive their counseling are told that any god at all will do.
AA/Al-Anon teaches people to worship "god as they understand him" - or would like him to be, a god of their own making, a god created in their own image, or even the particular AA group of people with whom they meet, they are told, may serve as their "god."
The most frightening aspect of seeking a "lesser god," is the possibility that they will find him, or that indeed they will welcome him in, for Jesus called Satan the "god of this world," and the "ruler of this present age" in the world's "system," and Satan desires worship in any deceitful form he can receive it.
If they would only turn to the "one true God," the God of the Bible, they would find, as God promises in His Holy Word, that "with God all things are possible." (Mark 10:27)
One Sober Alcoholic said...
"Between 5 of us, there were 170 years of sobriety at that table, and I was the "baby," with almost 25 years. And that is the way I like it, thank you very much."
We need to realize that we are not ALCOHOLICS in need of SOBRIETY; we are SINNERS in need of GOD.
We will never find God by trying to clean up our sinful behaviour one piece at a time. This is the wrong method to find true Biblical healing. A Christian does not keep their old clothes and simply sew new patches of unshrunk cloth on them, patching them up as they cleanse each sin.
If they were to do that their clothes would be worse off with the patch, not better! Look at what Jesus said:
"No man putteth a piece of new cloth unto an old garment, for that which is put in to fill it up taketh from the garment, and the rent is made worse.
Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved." (Matthew 9:16 - 17)
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